Simple guide to caring for you home Lawn grass garden
Simple grass guide to caring for you home lawn
If like me you have just moved into your new home and the previous occupants were less caring about the lawn, it may need a health check to bring it up to scratch.
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Here are some simple tips on creating a lovely grass lawn
At the beginning of the grass growing season, roughly around April time I ariate the lawn with an ariator, this simply punches holes into the grass allowing a mix of oxygen and nutrients into your lawn. For the grass this can be very beneficial as it helps your lawn breath encouraging new growth which is beneficial for the grass growing season ahead.
One of the top products I use for achieving a great looking lawn is the blue sachet of lawn feed from Miracle Grow. It comes in a 1kg box or 5kg tub and is available at Amazon or Wilko.
Simply mix in a watering can and spread over the lawn evenly as instructed on the packaging, its easy to do by simply mixing with water in a watering can. If you can use rain water from a water butt for added nutrients that’s even better. Within 1 week your lawn will be lush and green, ready for mowing at your desired height.
I usually stop this process around October time as the weather cools and the temperature drops causing the lawn to become dormant.
Its ideal at the end of the season to service your lawnmower by cleaning it, sharpening the blade or fitting a new one ready for next years season. Alternativly you can do this before the lawn growing season starts (February) time.
I have since purchased a rain gauge like below to measure the amount of water the lawn is getting, the more the better ideally and to stop it drying out over the summer months, keep an eye on the rain gauge.
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